
Yisco Trains ‘Youth Community Volunteers’

Wednesday, 12th February, Ndirande based NGO, Youth In Social Change Organisation (YISCO) trained community youth volunteers on climate change and other related disciplines. The whole Yisco team that attended the training The training, which equipped the community volunteers with new ideas pertaining YISCO's Climate Change Adaptation Awareness Project (CCAAP) brought together youths from five villages from Ndirande. The group villages which posed for the training are: Gamulani, Che Jean, Somanje- Makata, George and Che Nawenje. Some of the trained community volunteers According to the M&E Officer, Amos Manyesa who facilitated the activity, the training went as planned and that the community volunteers are ready to bring the change in their prospective villages. "We trained them in various disciplines, ranging from climate change to waste management so that they understand the project we are currently implementing in Ndirande Township. We believe that, our comm...


Our teams of field workers have vowed to cast their energy into The Climate Change Adaption Awareness, a project which YISCO is currently implementing in Ndirande Township, Blantyre.  As an organisation, we are much pleased with the efforts these flourishing field workers have already showcased. At YISCO we believe that field workers are there to drive the whole organisation externally; they are our wheels on the ground and with them we are on the MOVE! Today we celebrate our teams of field workers, Youth In Social Change Organisation is proud of you guys. Check some of the captured moments of our field workers below:

YISCO equips field workers with Climate Change Adaptation Awareness knowledge

Youth In Social Change Organisation (YISCO), one of the Ndirande based organisations has orientated its field workers in Climate Change Adaptation  Awareness, a campaign which is underway. According to the organisation's communications channel, the field workers have already been assigned to implement the project on the ground. A team of field workers meeting a GVH In a recent memo signed by the organisation's Communications Officer, Chikondi Shawa, the sparkled teams of field workers are meeting the Village Development Committees (VDCs) in a quest to widen up their underway project. "The assigned field workers are expected to meet the VDCs at Che Goerge, Che Jean and Che Nawenje villages just to mention but a few," reads a part of the memo. Meanwhile YISCO is roaring to acquire permission from the office of District Education Manager (DEM) that will enable them to run their projects in selected primary schools in Ndirande.